For many of us, the term Anxiety sounds very familiar. We hear it every day, on the TV, on buses, on trains, and when talking with our friends and colleagues.
Surely we think we understand what they are talking about when someone says I have Anxiety or I feel Anxious. The truth is that we all understand this in different ways. For someone, it might be just rushing thoughts, headaches, or lightheaded, for someone else could be a pain in the chest, and for others a loss of appetite or interest in activities. Anxiety has many different faces.
The problem starts when Anxiety interferes with our daily routines, quality of life, and pleasure in general. Often people who come to see me complain of sleepless nights and palpitations without a conscious understanding of it. This is where Hypnotherapy comes in and helps individuals deal with the unconscious response of their bodies.
Hypnotherapy has proven in these studies an effective treatment for Anxiety and Stress. Although some people don’t quite understand how it works, the truth is that when the results come they feel amazed by the speed and efficiency of the therapy.
If you also suffer from Anxiety, stress, or insomnia, why wait? You can contact me, send me an email at, or phone at +447586755862 now and discuss how I can help you overcome your Anxiety for good.