Is your sexual performance anxiety affecting your sex life? Has your GP confirmed that there’s no physical cause? Most of the men who seek my help have been experiencing erectile dysfunction for some time. They’ve tried Viagra and other medicines but they want to find a natural and effective way of achieving strong, continuous erections.
How can hypnotherapy help with sexual problems?
If you’re noticing sex-related problems, it can be helpful to first consult your doctor. Whether you’re experiencing pain, low libido, or performance difficulties, speaking to your doctor will rule out any physical conditions causing the problem.
Interestingly, for many of these problems, there is a psychological element. It may be stress, anxiety, low self-confidence, or even past experiences having an impact on your sex life. The aim of hypnotherapy is to help you identify the root cause and change your thinking around the problem.
What sexual problems can hypnotherapy help with?
There are a number of problems hypnosis can support, here we’re looking at some common concerns those with male sex organs may experience.
Premature ejaculation
Premature ejaculation is the term used when someone ejaculates too quickly during sex. What is deemed ‘too quickly’ will vary from person to person. According to the NHS, a study looking at 500 couples from different countries found the average time taken to ejaculate to be about five and a half minutes. There’s no ‘correct’ duration when it comes to sex, however, this is up to the couple to decide.
If you feel around half of your sexual relations result in premature ejaculation and it’s becoming a problem, you might want to seek help from a professional. There are two types of premature ejaculation; primary premature ejaculation (where there has always been this problem) and secondary premature ejaculation (where the problem has recently developed). Knowing which one you have can be helpful when visiting your doctor.
Seeing your GP is a good first step as they will be able to explore what might be causing it. There may be physical causes, psychological causes, or a combination of both. Common psychological causes include depression, stress, relationship issues, and anxiety around sexual performance.
Depending on what your doctor believes is the cause, there are several treatment options including medication, behavioral therapy, psychological therapy, and hypnotherapy.
Hypnotherapy works on a subconscious level, encouraging positive changes through the power of suggestion. As stress and anxiety can often feed into someone experiencing premature ejaculation, hypnotherapy for stress and anxiety can be especially helpful. Other ways hypnotherapy can help include improving self-confidence and self-esteem, and visualization.
Loss of libido
Both men and women can experience a reduced sex drive at times. Often it can be linked to stress, tiredness, or even relationship issues. Everyone has different sex drives, but if yours has been unusually low and is causing you problems within your relationship, you should seek support.
Going to your doctor will rule out any physical causes (such as hormone problems or a side-effect from medication). They can also help you identify what may be the cause and recommend therapy to help you and your partner regain a fulfilling sex life. For some, hypnotherapy can be an effective tool.
Hypnotherapy can help with reduced sex drive in a number of ways. If stress, anxiety, or depression are potential causes, hypnotherapy targeted at these concerns can help. For some people, a lack of confidence and self-worth can affect their libido, and again, this is an area where hypnotherapy can support.
Erection problems
It’s very common for men to occasionally fail to get or keep an erection. Alcohol intake, stress, and tiredness are typical culprits and shouldn’t be a cause for concern. If you start to have problems more regularly, however, you may want to visit your doctor.
Similarly to premature ejaculation, erection problems (also referred to as erectile dysfunction or impotence) can be caused by physical or psychological reasons. If you only experience erection problems some of the time (for example, if you are able to have erections in the morning but not during sex), this may point to a psychological cause.
Mental health conditions like depression and anxiety can lead to erection problems and if this is the case, your doctor may recommend counseling. Sex therapy may be advised, especially if you feel your relationship is being impacted. Hypnotherapy is another option that can help ease stress and anxiety, and improve confidence.
Stress and performance anxiety can be key factors when it comes to erection problems and this is where hypnotherapy can step in. A hypnotherapist will be able to effect change on a subconscious level to help you better respond to stress and reduce anxiety.
Also known as orgasmic dysfunction, anorgasmia is when someone is persistently unable to reach orgasm during sex. Both males and females can struggle with this, however, it’s considered to be more common in women.
There can be many reasons why someone struggles to reach orgasm, from physical conditions to psychological and emotional concerns. Seeing your doctor will help to identify what the causes may be. Similar to other sexual problems, there is a variety of treatment options, including hypnotherapy.
In some cases, anorgasmia is caused by negative associations and expectations of past sexual experiences. Hypnotherapy can help to improve self-esteem and re-pattern the negative associations with sexual relations. Experiencing anorgasmia can lead you to hold beliefs such as ‘I can’t orgasm’ and hypnotherapy aims to change such beliefs which could be holding you back. As stress and anxiety can also have a role to play in anorgasmia, hypnotherapy for stress and hypnotherapy for anxiety can also be helpful.
If you have tried finding a solution yourself or by talking to a sex therapist and the problem is still persisting, this could be a sign that change is needed at a subconscious level. This is where hypnotherapy can help.
Hypnotherapy is not a miracle cure for erectile dysfunction. There can be many physiological reasons for erectile dysfunction. But if your problem is psychological, as it often is, hypnotherapy can do wonders for your erectile dysfunction, you can begin to communicate more effectively with your body and no longer be concerned with your ability to perform. Say goodbye to erectile dysfunction and hello to passion!
Book your first session and say goodbye to erectile dysfunction.