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How hypnosis works

How hypnosis can help you overcome issues that hold you back.

Hypnosis is a complicated subject that many people are scared of or don’t really know what means. The easiest way to explain to you what hypnosis is I would say that It happens naturally without any effort from your side. All you need is a skilled hypnotherapist who knows how to guide you into hypnosis. Then the part of therapy comes when hypnosis is used to treat certain dysfunctions, symptoms, or disorders that conventional therapy couldn’t help. I am not saying that hypnosis is here to replace conventional medicine but hypnosis can be a tool to enhance accelerate and reinforce the healing potential of the patient. During hypnosis, you are experiencing a deep body and mind relaxation. Your body feels heavy and your mind relaxed. You are guided into a hypnotic trance where spontaneous experiences occur under the supervision of the therapist that can impact you in therapeutic ways for your overall health, happiness, and wellbeing.

You have full control of yourself and you can anytime come out of hypnosis should you wish to. A skilled therapist will only be there for you to guide you and help you overcome problems that negatively affect your everyday life, happiness, and wellbeing.

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