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How to improve your romantic relationship

Many people often come to see me because they are keep failing on their personal romantic relationships.

My approach always starts with you. What do you want? Who is the perfect partner for you? What are your qualities? Where is your attention when choosing a partner? Are you attracted by his/her beauty? or by his overall personality. The answer sometimes can fall into the middle. So we all really want an ideal partner to tick all the boxes. The question you should ask yourself is: What do I offer to this partner? Who I am I and what value I can bring to his/her life. As you, the opposite also seeks almost the same. They need approval, appreciation, respect, etc. The partners that you had in your life so far, if you think deeply are the ones you were attracted to by your attention. If your attention was that you wanted someone who is handsome/beautiful and didn’t care at all about any other traits of his personality then you probably had that. But beauty is a costume that comes as a gift. Some people are beautiful by nature without even had to work a bit on themselves. To give you a little bit of help I would like you to take the time and think. Take a piece of paper and write down all the qualities/types of personality traits that you want for your next partner. Then evaluate these, and mirror yourself. Are you having the same qualities as the partner that you wish to have? OR are you at least willing to improve yourself? In order to meet this person? If the answer is YES then you have a lot of chances to meet this ideal partner. Then regarding your qualities that you have written, start thinking of places where you possibly can meet this person. For example, I want a sophisticated man, with good manners, handsome and kind heart. Then think. Will this guy hang around a club? or a pub? Possibly not. Maybe yes. hmm, it becomes difficult. But this is where you are starting your search. If you identify all that you are looking and start thinking of possible places then you have a lot more chances to meet this person. The crucial part is now, are you ready to meet this person and keep this person next to you? Or will you make again the same mistakes that you did in the past? Have you learned the lesson? Have you improved your attitude? If not, chances are you will not be able to keep this ‘ideal’ partner next to you because you are not bringing value. Of course, you don’t have to be a peoples pleaser but to attract something better than you previously had, make sure you have improved yourself.

If you need help finding you ideal relationship, then click my free consulation button and start exploring a new life.



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