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Hypnotherapy for Nail Biting in London

Can Hypnotherapy help me stop biting my nails? The short answer is yes it can. But it is more than just how it can help but why it helps.

Hypnotherapy has immediate access to the unconscious mind where all our behaviors, thinking patterns, and habits are stored. Only with this unique approach, we can cure many unwanted behaviors that have a negative effect on our health.

Apart from the obvious aesthetic damage it has, nail biting has also proven to cause a lot of health complications.

Nail biting isn’t without risks, however. For example, nail biting can:

  • Damage to the skin around the nail, increasing the risk of infection
  • Increase the risk of colds and other infections by spreading germs from your fingers to your mouth
  • Harm your teeth

So you may wanter why you have all these mouth ulcers or frequent stomach infections or just want to grow your nails to look healthy and beautiful, then hypnotherapy in London can help you overcome this once and forever.

To book your appointment just contact me.

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