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Home / hypnotherapy for trauma

Trauma. The truth behind many different symptoms.

How to heal trauma? Many people ask me. Well, there are many ways to heal trauma from the body, there have been rituals in many religions that promise healing. One of the reasons why I choose to study hypnotherapy was because I just love the way you can access the subconscious mind without digging for months or years.

Trauma affects most of us, and in fact, many of us do not recognize it as trauma. Often times we try to fix some symptoms but soon they come back with different masks. Psychosomatic pain is real and can manifest in many different ways in the body.

Trauma may be the result of your yearly battles with doctors and different healing methods to fix different parts of your body.

From my experience working with people with many different issues, I have learned that the most obvious reason why people suffer in their lives is underlying trauma trapped within the body.

Unresolved trauma can have devastating effects on one’s health, both physical and mental. Hypnotherapy offers rapid transformation and deep healing from Trauma.

Some of the most common symptoms are:

Hyperarousal This may take the form of physical symptoms increase in heart rate, sweating, difficulty breathing (rapid, shallow, panting, etc.), cold sweats, tingling, and muscular tension. It can also manifest as a mental process in the form of increased repetitious thoughts, a racing mind, and worry.

Constriction. When we respond to a life-threatening situation, hyperarousal is initially accompanied by constriction in our bodies and a narrowing of perceptions. Our nervous system acts to ensure that all our efforts can be maximally focused on the threat in an optimum way. Constriction alters a person’s breathing, muscle tone, and posture in order to promote efficiency and strength.

Dissociation and denial. Woody Allen said, “I’m not afraid of dying. I just don’t want to be there when it happens.” This quip is a fairly accurate description of the role played by dissociation. It protects us from being overwhelmed by escalating arousal, fear, and pain. 

Feelings of helplessness, immobility, and freezing. If hyperarousal is the nervous system’s accelerator, a sense of overwhelming helplessness is its brake. The helplessness that is experienced at such times is not the ordinary sense.

Helplessness can affect anyone from time to time. It is the sense of being collapsed, immobilized, and utterly helpless. It is not a perception, belief, or a trick of the imagination. It is real.


Other early symptoms that begin to show up at the same time or shortly after a traumatic event in life include: 

  • Hypervigilance (being “on guard” at all times)
  •  Intrusive imagery or flashbacks 
  •  Extreme sensitivity to light and sound
  • Hyperactivity 
  • Exaggerated emotional and startling responses 
  • Nightmares and night terrors 
  • Abrupt mood swings (rage reactions or temper tantrums, frequent anger, or crying) 
  •  Shame and lack of self-worth
  • Reduced ability to deal with stress (easily and frequently stressed out)
  • Difficulty sleeping Several of these symptoms can also show up later, even years later.

Remember, this list is not for diagnostic purposes. It is a guide to help you get a feel for how trauma symptoms behave. The next symptoms that may appear are:

  • Panic attacks, anxiety, and phobias 
  • Mental “blankness” or spaced-out feelings 
  • Avoidance behavior (avoiding places, activities, movements, memories, or people) 
  • Attraction to dangerous situations
  • Addictive behaviors (overeating, drinking, smoking, etc.)
  • Exaggerated or diminished sexual activity
  • Amnesia and forgetfulness 
  •  Inability to love, nurture, or bond with other individuals
  • Fear of dying or having a shortened life 
  • Self-mutilation (severe abuse, self-inflicted cutting, etc.)
  • Loss of sustaining beliefs (spiritual, religious, interpersonal) The final group of symptoms are those that generally take longer to develop. In most cases, they may have been preceded by some of the earlier symptoms. However, there is no fixed rule that dictates when and if a symptom will appear. This group includes: 
  •  Excessive shyness 
  • Diminished emotional responses
  • Inability to make commitments
  • Chronic fatigue or very low physical energy 
  • Immune system problems and certain endocrine problems such as thyroid malfunction and environmental sensitivities
  •  Psychosomatic illnesses, particularly headaches, migraines, neck and back problems 
  • Chronic pain
  • Fibromyalgia 
  • Asthma
  • Skin disorders
  • Digestive problems (spastic colon)
  • Severe premenstrual syndrome
  • Depression and feelings of impending doom 
  •  Feelings of detachment, alienation, and isolation (“living dead” feelings) 
  • Reduced ability to formulate plans

How hypnotherapy can help?

As a trained and professional hypnotherapist, I will work with you to identify what has caused your trauma, and we will work together to release it deep within your body.

How many sessions do I need?

This is something I cannot simply answer because everyone is different. We may work together only once and some people do heal with one session, but some other people perhaps need more time, and more sessions are recommended.

How long it takes to see results?

After we start with the therapy, healing starts to take place. Some individuals see immediate results while others may need a few days or weeks.

Do I need to see you in person?

No, I work online as well as in person in central London. I have clients worldwide some are from America, Australia, and Canada. As long as you have a stable internet connection we can work through Zoom online. Online hypnotherapy is as good as in-person. In fact, during the pandemic, all of my therapy sessions were carried out online with success.

How to book my session?

You can simply click on the contact me button or just call or text at +44 75 8675 5862.

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