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Unlock Your Potential with Hypnotherapy: The Benefits of Ericksonian and Traditional Techniques in London

London is a city that is full of opportunities, but it can also be a source of stress and pressure for many people. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and in need of some extra support, consider exploring the world of hypnotherapy.

At my practice, we understand the importance of taking care of your mental and emotional well-being. That’s why we’re proud to offer both traditional and Ericksonian hypnotherapy services to those in need of a little extra help.

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy that uses hypnosis to help individuals make positive changes in their lives. By inducing a relaxed, trance-like state, a hypnotherapist can help you access your subconscious mind and make meaningful changes to your thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs.

Ericksonian hypnotherapy is a unique form of hypnotherapy that is based on the teachings of Milton Erickson, a prominent psychologist, and hypnotherapist. Unlike traditional hypnotherapy, Ericksonian hypnotherapy is characterized by its use of indirect suggestion, metaphor, and storytelling to help individuals make positive changes in their lives.

The Benefits of Hypnotherapy

The benefits of hypnotherapy are numerous, including:

  1. Reducing Stress and Anxiety: By learning relaxation techniques and reducing negative thoughts and behaviors, hypnotherapy can help you manage stress and anxiety.
  2. Improving Confidence and Self-Esteem: Through the process of changing negative beliefs and patterns of behavior, hypnotherapy can help you build confidence and increase your self-esteem.
  3. Overcoming Addictions: Hypnotherapy can help you overcome addictions such as smoking, overeating, and substance abuse by changing negative thought patterns and behaviors.
  4. Improving Sleep: By reducing anxiety and stress and teaching relaxation techniques, hypnotherapy can help improve the quality of your sleep.

Find a Hypnotherapist Near You

If you’re looking for a qualified hypnotherapist in London, look no further than Antonio Skoletsas. Our team of experts is dedicated to helping you achieve your goals and make positive changes in your life. We offer both traditional and Ericksonian hypnotherapy to ensure that we have the right approach for your individual needs. To learn more about our services, visit our website at

In conclusion, hypnotherapy is a powerful tool that can have a significant impact on your mental and emotional well-being. So why not take the first step towards a better, more fulfilling life and book a session with us today?

To book your session click here or just call me at +447586755862.


Is Hypnosis Real? And 9 Other Questions, Answered

Is hypnosis real?

Hypnosis is a genuine psychological therapy process. It’s often misunderstood and not widely used. However, medical research continues to clarify how and when hypnosis can be used as a therapy tool.

What exactly is hypnosis? 

Hypnosis is a treatment option that may help you cope with and treat different conditions.

To do this, a certified hypnotist or hypnotherapist guides you into a deep state of relaxation (sometimes described as a trance-like state). While you’re in this state, they can make suggestions designed to help you become more open to change or therapeutic improvement.

Trance-like experiences aren’t all that uncommon. If you’ve ever zoned out while watching a movie or daydreaming, you’ve been in a similar trance-like state.

True hypnosis or hypnotherapy doesn’t involve swaying pocket watches, and it isn’t practiced on stage as part of an entertainment act.

Is hypnosis the same thing as hypnotherapy?

Yes and no. Hypnosis is a tool that can be used for therapeutic treatment. Hypnotherapy is the use of that tool. To put it another way, hypnosis is to hypnotherapy what dogs are to animal therapy.

How does hypnosis work?

During hypnosis, a trained hypnotist or hypnotherapist induces a state of intense concentration or focused attention. This is a guided process with verbal cues and repetition.

The trance-like state you enter may appear similar to sleep in many ways, but you’re fully aware of what’s going on.

While you’re in this trance-like state, your therapist will make guided suggestions designed to help you achieve your therapeutic goals.

Because you’re in a heightened state of focus, you may be more open to proposals or advice that, in your normal mental state, you might ignore or brush off.

When the session is complete, your therapist will wake you from the trance-like state, or you will exit it on your own.

It’s unclear how this intense level of inner concentration and focused attention has the impact it does.

  • Hypnotherapy may place the seeds of different thoughts in your mind during the trance-like state, and soon, those changes take root and prosper.
  • Hypnotherapy may also clear the way for deeper processing and acceptance. In your regular mental state, if it’s “cluttered,” your mind may be unable to absorb suggestions and guidance,

What happens to the brain during hypnosis?

Researchers at Harvard studied the brains of 57 people during guided hypnosis. They found that:

  • Two areas of the brain that are responsible for processing and controlling what’s going on in your body show greater activity during hypnosis.
  • Likewise, the area of your brain that’s responsible for your actions and the area that is aware of those actions appear to be disconnected during hypnosis.

Are there any side effects or risks?

Hypnosis rarely causes any side effects or has risks. As long as the therapy is conducted by a trained hypnotist or hypnotherapist, it can be a safe alternative therapy option.

Is the practice recommended by doctors?

Some doctors aren’t convinced that hypnosis can be used in mental health or for physical pain treatment. Research to support the use of hypnosis is getting stronger, but not all doctors embrace it.

Many medical schools don’t train doctors on the use of hypnosis, and not all mental health practitioners receive training during their years of school.

That leaves a great deal of misunderstanding about this possible therapy among healthcare professionals.

What can hypnosis be used for?

Hypnosis is promoted as a treatment for many conditions or issues. Research does provide some support for using hypnosis for some, but not all, of the conditions for which it’s used.

ResearchTrusted Source shows strong evidenceTrusted Source for the use of hypnosis to treat:

  • pain
  • irritable bowel syndrome
  • post-traumatic stress disorder
  • insomnia
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • smoking cessation
  • post-surgical wound healing
  • weight loss

What happens during a session?

You may not undergo hypnosis during your first visit with a hypnotist or hypnotherapist. Instead, the two of you may talk about the goals you have and the process they can use to help you.

In a hypnosis session, your therapist will help you relax in a comfortable setting. They’ll explain the process and review your goals for the session. Then, they’ll use repetitive verbal cues to guide you into a trance-like state.

Once you’re in a receptive trance-like state, your therapist will suggest you work to achieve certain goals, help you visualize your future, and guide you toward making healthier decisions.

Afterward, your therapist will end your trance-like state by bringing you back to full consciousness.

Is one session enough?

Although one session can be helpful for some people sometimes different people with more complex issues might need more sessions to address the root of the problem.

To book your session or find out more just contact me!


Can Hypnotherapy help me with Anxiety?

A lot of people are experiencing anxiety throughout their lives. Sometimes easier and sometimes not so easy to manage. Anxiety is a coping mechanism of your brain to keep you alert. This can happen for many reasons, although many times anxiety just co-exists with us we do not like the feelings associated with anxiety because it can make us feel uncomfortable.

For millennia humans used to live in nature, surrounded by trees and flowers. Nowadays we have moved to more civilized societies but our brains have not evolved so fast with technology and the new lifestyle we now live our lives.

We now have to manage a working schedule with a lot of stress involved, finance, career, relationship, social media, etc.. our brains feel overwhelmed and sometimes they give us the signal of anxiety when we are in a similar (life-threatening) situation but without any predators. 

Why someone has anxiety is very personal and there is no one formula that can solve everyone’s anxiety.  Now I will introduce you to the idea of inner search, creativity, and let go. Hypnotherapy and hypnosis can actually help you tap into your unconscious mind and reprogram any negative thoughts, situations, or habits that contribute to your anxiety. Hypnotherapy can also enhance your creativity and discover new ideas and create new patterns that will increase the sense of relaxation in your life. 

With Hypnotherapy you can of course get rid of your anxiety and stress, allowing your parasympathetic system to start working again at its normal rhythm and increase your overall well-being. 

I have worked online and in person with different people and from my experience anxiety is easily curable and requires very few sessions.

Hypnotherapy is a drug-free – pain-free alternative method to get rid of your anxiety with very minimal effort from your side. If you would like to learn more about how I can help you overcome your anxiety with Hypnotherapy just contact me.

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